Welcome to our new forum!

Welcome to The New Seminary Discussion Forum

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No New Posts Welcome to the new discussion forum

Hi All -- This is a discussion forum for us to try.

We have several different combinations of classes/years & people overlap in them -- but we can't all send e-mails back and forth to each other via Groupspaces unless we are in the "same" group. In some cases, it would help if we could have a discussion forum, rather than e-mail bantering. Last year a few people have mentioned it, so I am took a shot at setting something up. This year we have already started with lively e-mail discussions!!

The posts in this section are public -- so anyone can offer feedback without being a member. Many of the others will likely be members only...

Since this is the "cheap seats free version", there is advertising. If you join as a member & logon, you have to answer and advertising question when you create the member name & when you logon each time -- but then you can post freely. If you post as guest, you have to answer the advertising each time you post....

Your choice...

Moderator: Admin

138 138 Seoul, South Korea Phone Code: Connecting the Capital to the
by evaislam1166
Jun 7, 2024 20:50:36 GMT -7
No New Posts Important Links

The New Seminary:

Groupspaces information:

Wiz IQ

Journaling Toward Ministry

Google Group for TNS2014

15 15 How to Design Effective Marketing Collateral
by saiful200
Aug 20, 2024 20:48:08 GMT -7


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No New Posts Tell us who you are!

Are you a student, instructor, alum??

Everyone can view this board, but only members can post here.

8 12 如何使用 Sketch 和 Launchpad 发布响应式网站
by account_disabled
Jan 27, 2024 20:51:06 GMT -7


Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts 1st Year Curriculum

This will soon be updated for the 1st year students

Sub-boards: Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judiasm, Taoism/Confucianism

7 7 云和农夫山泉的合作非常成
by ritu5500
May 19, 2024 23:31:01 GMT -7
No New Posts 2nd Year Curriculum

This will soon be updated for the 2nd year students.

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Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts What categories should we have here?

Create a thread to start a conversation -- let's decide what categories we should have.... Please offer up suggestions.
We have "rituals and experience" "ashes" "fasting" "communion" "spiritual but not religious" ....

This is currently an open board. Anyone can post here without being a member.

13 34 The Beast Revelation
by michael
Jun 12, 2024 10:44:23 GMT -7


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